The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is an incentive payment scheme where GP practices keep registers of patients who have been diagnosed with specific conditions e.g. asthma, hypertension. This helps to build an understanding of need in the population, giving an estimate of the number of people with these conditions. The estimates are used for planning health and social care services efficiently.

The full list of register numbers is available online.

What does this mean for Richmond?

  • Dementia saw the largest percentage increase for any QOF condition in Richmond in 2014/15. Diagnosed prevalence increased 21% to 1,329, following awareness-raising on the issue locally.
  • 6,664 people were on the GP obesity register in Richmond, substantially lower than the local best estimate of 22,783.
  • Diagnosed prevalence of atrial fibrillation in Richmond is in the highest quartile compared to other areas in London with 2,725 people on the register. There are still an estimated 1,500 undiagnosed cases in the borough.
  • Diagnosed prevalence of heart failure in Richmond has increased, by 6% to 843 people, contrasting the constant trend in London and England.
  • 1,942 patients on GP registers in Richmond have a diagnosis of COPD. This 0.94% diagnosed prevalence is lower than London and England and has been decreasing by 2% each year for the last three years.
  • 5,865 adults in Richmond (3.6%) are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, lower than London (6.1%) and England (6.4%). Incentives focusing on prevention and early detection are expected to increase diagnosis in 2015/16.
  • There were 353 more cases of depression in Richmond, increasing to 6,517 patients (4%), which is still lower than both London (5.3%) and England (7.3%).
  • There were 459 more cases of cancer (2% of the registered population) in Richmond in 2014/15 than the previous year. This is in the highest quartile compared to London (1.5%), but lower compared to England (2.3%).

To receive the full report, please contact the Public Health Team.