Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2023-2026
See the Executive Summary below or read the full article:
Executive Summary
All Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) have a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up to date a statement of needs for pharmaceutical services for their population every three years. This is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The purpose of the PNA is twofold:
- support NHS England in their decision-making related to applications for new pharmacies, or changes of pharmacy premises and/or opening hours.
- support local commissioners in decisions regarding services that could be delivered by community pharmacies to meet the future identified health needs of the population
This PNA provides an overview of the demographics and health and wellbeing needs of the Richmond population. It also captures patient and public views of pharmacy services they access. It assesses whether the current provision of pharmacies and the commissioned services they provide meet the needs of the Richmond residents and whether there are any gaps, either now or within the lifetime of the document, from the date of its publication to the 15th March 2026. It assesses current and future provision with respect to:
- Necessary Services, i.e., current accessibility of pharmacies and their provision of Essential Services
- Other Relevant Services and Other Services including Advanced and Enhanced Pharmacy Services. These are services commissioned by NHS England, South West London ICB, or the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.
In July 2022, a steering group of key stakeholders was established to oversee the development of the PNA with overall responsibility of ensuring it met the statutory regulations. The process included:
- a review of the current and future demographics and health needs of Richmond population determined on a locality basis
- a survey to Richmond patients and the public on their use and expectations of pharmacy services and an equality impact assessment
- a survey to Richmond pharmacy contractors to determine their capacity to fulfil any identified current or future needs
- an assessment of the commissioned essential, advanced, and enhanced pharmacy services provided in Richmond.
The PNA consultation draft was published for a 60-day formal consultation between the period of 14th December 2022 to the 13th February 2023. Responses to the consultation were considered by the steering group before final publication of the PNA in March 2023.
Key population demographics of Richmond
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is a South West London borough with an estimated population of 197,363. This population is projected to increase by 0.3% to 198,052 in the lifetime of this PNA. The largest increases in population size is likely to be seen in Heathfield (Housing-led population projections, 2021).
Richmond is a relatively affluent borough in comparison with the rest of England and just one of the boroughs 115 lower super output areas are within among the most deprived 20% in England (Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government).
Key population health needs of Richmond
Overall, life expectancy and healthy life expectancy for both males and females in Richmond is better than the national picture. However, a number of reported high health-risk behaviours were identified. These include: low screening coverage for cervical and breast cancer, smoking in routine and manual workers, hospital admissions for mental health conditions and hospital admissions as a result of intentional self-harm and low flu vaccination coverage for the ‘at risk’ in Richmond (OHID, Public Health Outcomes Framework, 2022).
COVID-19, external causes and circulatory diseases were the biggest causes of life expectancy gap between the most and least deprived in the borough.
Patient and public engagement
A patient and public survey was disseminated across Richmond to explore how people use their pharmacy and their views on specific ‘necessary’ pharmaceutical services. A total of 213 people responded.
Overall respondents chose their pharmacy because it is in a good location, it is where their GP sends their prescriptions, and they are happy with the overall experience provided by the pharmacy. Most respondents can reach their pharmacy in 20 minutes or less. No substantial differences or identified needs were found amongst protected characteristics groups and pharmacy usage.
Health and Wellbeing Board statements on service provision
There are 45 community pharmacies and three distance selling pharmacy located within the London Borough of Richmond. There is also a further 90 pharmacies located within a mile of Richmond’s borders.
The PNA steering group, on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board has assessed whether the current and future pharmacy provision meets the health and wellbeing needs of the Richmond population. It has also determined whether there are any gaps in the provision of pharmaceutical service either now or within the lifetime of this document, from the date of its publication to the 15th March 2026.
The London Borough of Richmond is well served in relation to the number and location of pharmacies. The Health and Wellbeing Board has concluded that there is good access to Essential, Advanced, Enhanced and Other pharmaceutical services for the residents of Richmond with no gaps in the current and future provision of these services identified.