COVID-19 Data
For the latest statistics on cases, testing, hospitalisations, vaccinations and deaths in Richmond– please visit GOV.UK.
Google Mobility Report
The dashboard below shows the effect of COVID-19 restrictions on visits to places such as parks and workplaces in Richmond by comparing each day to a corresponding day in Jan-Feb 2020.
To use the report, click any of the six categories at the top of the page (e.g. Parks) to display data for that category.
The Richmond, London and UK figures and London Borough Map on the left-hand side of the report display the ‘% Change from Baseline’ for the latest date in the data – presented at the top of this section.
The line chart on the right-hand side of the report shows how the ‘% Change from Baseline’ has varied daily for Richmond, London and the UK. Hover over the lines to display individual values or hover over any part of the chart to display arrows for ‘drilling’ up/down to month or year views. Please note that data displayed at month or year level is an average over that period. The time slider at the bottom can be used to filter the dates shown on the chart.
Data notes can be found on the second page of the report.
Please note that as of 15th October 2022, this data is no longer being updated by Google.
COVID-19 Web Map
This web map has been built to provide data on population groups that are considered vulnerable and to help visualise geographic trends in these groups.
- Please see the ‘Web Map Data‘ section below for a definition of each layer – please note that newer data is available elsewhere on DataRich or directly from the publishers – please see ‘Web Map Data‘ for links to the newest data
- Use the tick box next to each layer to turn it on or off:
- As layers are semi-transparent, multiple layers can be turned on at once to overlay data
- It is recommended that users do not try to overlay more than two or three layers at a time else patterns will be hard to interpret
- When using the health conditions layers, ensure the top-level ‘Heath 2017 – 2018’ layer is turned on
- To see the point features (e.g. doctors, pharmacies, food shops, schools), zoom further into the map
- Users can use the map to search by Postcode or Street
- See in full screen
Example- where are the largest numbers of older residents that could be struggling to get out and get supplies?:
- To see where the largest population of 65+ living alone is, you click 65 > Living Alone ONS 2018.
- To see areas with a large number of 65+ living in households where everyone is 65+, you click All Household 65 > ONS 2018.
- The two layers combined give you an idea of those areas you might want to target.
- You then might want to overlay the ‘Food Shops’ layer to see what the local suppliers are and assess the likelihood that they deliver.
COVID-19 Additional Resources
ONS Latest Data and Analysis on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Web Map Data
The following layers use data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid-2018 Small Area Population Estimates:
- Total Population ONS 2018: the total population
- Population < 1 ONS 2018: the population aged under 1. Provides an indication of where babies are being born and therefore where pregnancies might occur.
- Population > 65 ONS 2018: the population aged 65 and over
- Population > 70 ONS 2018: the population aged 70 and over
- Population > 80 ONS 2018: the population aged 80 and over
See the Population Explorer for the most recent ONS Mis-Year Small Area Population Estimates.
The following layers are calculated estimates. The proportion of people living alone was taken from the 2011 Census, this proportion was then applied to ONS Mid-2018 Small Area Population Estimates:
- Total Living Alone ONS 2018: the total population estimated to be living alone
- 65 > Living Alone ONS 2018: the 65+ population estimated to be living alone
- All Household 65 > ONS 2018: the 65+ population estimated to be living in a household where everyone is aged 65+
See Nomis for 2011 Census information.
See the Population Explorer for the most recent ONS Mis-Year Small Area Population Estimates.
The following layers use data from the Ministry of Housing, Community and Local Government (MHCLG) English Indices of Deprivation 2019. The measures are presented as ten deciles where 1 is relatively most deprived and 10 is relatively least deprived:
- IMD Decile 2019: Index of Multiple Deprivation – general deprivation (see DataRich or DataWand for more detail)
- IDOPI Decile 2019: Income Deprivation affecting Older People Index – those aged 60 + that are income deprived
The following layers are calculated estimates. The prevalence of each condition was taken from House of Commons Library MSOA estimates, this was then applied to ONS Mid-2018 Small Area Population Estimates:
- Learning Disabilities
- Health 2017 -2018
- Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) 17-18
- High Blood Pressure 17-18
- Asthma 17-18
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 17-18
- Chronic Kidney Disease 17-18
- Diabetes 17-18
- Cancer 17-18
Please see the House of Commons Library Constituency data: health conditions dashboard for the most recent estimates on health conditions.
See the Population Explorer for the most recent ONS Mis-Year Small Area Population Estimates.
The following layers are point features:
- Pharmacies
- Council Estates – Wandsworth only
- Schools
- Doctors
- Food Stores – 2018 Retail Survey: Town, Local Centres and Important Local Parades only
© ONS Crown Copyright 2019 licenced under the Open Government Licence.
© ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis March 2020]
© House of Commons Library 2020. All rights reserved. [Using data from NHS Digital]