This page contains links to additional online sources for local data.
Population & General
“…a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, to give you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.”
- Annual Population survey/Labour Force survey
- Annual survey of Hours and Earnings
- Census
- Claimant count
- DWP Benefits
- Life Events (Births, Deaths, Marriages etc.)
- Population Estimates/Projections
Office for National Statistics
- Business, industry and trade
- Economy
- Employment and labour market
- People, population and community
- Explore local statistics: “Find, compare and visualise statistics about places in the United Kingdom. Explore 57 indicators, including household income, participation in further education and life satisfaction..” Recently Updated!
GLA London Datastore
“…a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access data relating to the capital. Whether you’re a citizen, business owner, researcher or developer, the site provides over 700 datasets to help you understand the city.”
- Demographics
- Education
- Employment and Skills
- Environment
- Housing
- Health
- Transport
- Planning
- Webmaps & Data Data Services: a series of web applications produced by the GLA Intelligence Team covering several themes including Air Quality, Canopy Cover, Solar Opportunities Map, Cultural Infrastructure, Digital Connectivity and High Street/Town Centre Data.
- GLA Ward Profile and Atlas: “…a range of demographic and related data for each ward in Greater London. They are designed to provide an overview of the population in these small areas by presenting a range of data on the population, diversity, households, life expectancy, housing, crime, benefits, land use, deprivation, and employment.”
- London Area Profiles: “…help paint a general picture of an area allowing you to explore a wealth of local data to better understand the profile of London’s communities…the dashboard view allows you to interact with the data via mapping, charts and data tables. You can also switch between Borough and Ward data…the “View report” button to generate a custom-made report visualising a range of the latest demographic, economic, social and environmental information available for that area.”
GLA London Population Projections Explorer
This tool will help you explore the 2020 based GLA Borough and Ward population projections. Select which component you are interested in (population, births, deaths, migration), a projection, and then a location, time and demographic profile.
Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC)
“The CDRC Data service is formed of three tiers: Open, Safeguarded and Secure. Datasets are organised by topic, products and geography with some data available through the maps interface”
Constituency Dashboard
“This interactive dashboard brings together some of the key statistics for parliamentary constituencies.”
The Migration Observatory Local Data Guide
“…answer key questions about migrants in local areas around the UK… presents the information in a user-friendly way…interactive visualisations of the data…you can download tables in .csv or .xls files. You can also download the charts as images to use in presentations or share in other ways”
LG Inform
“…presents you with up-to-date published data about your local area and the performance of your council or fire and rescue authority. Whether you’re interested in scrutiny, a particular service area, or simply need an overview, it can help you review and compare performance with other authorities.”
The Co-op Community Wellbeing Index
“The index gives an insight into what’s important to people in a local community. From the quality of education, housing affordability, and public transport – to the amount of green space and the number of community centres.”
Thriving Places Index
“…measures the local conditions for wellbeing, and whether those conditions are being delivered fairly and sustainably…The TPI is arranged into three headline elements: Sustainability, Local Conditions, Equality”
Explore Thriving Places Index headline scores in England with the Interactive Map Tool.
Indices of Deprivation 2019
- IoD2019 Interactive Dashboard – Local Authority Focus: “…allows users to explore the range of summary measures across the indices of deprivation 2019 at local authority level and the lower-layer super output areas (LSOAs) within each district.”
- Explorer: “…shows the relative deprivation of neighbourhoods for selected areas according to the indices of deprivation 2019 and indices of deprivation 2015 and allows users to search by a place name or postcode…Data can be downloaded directly using this tool.”
- Local Authority Maps: “Each map uses the index of multiple deprivation 2019 to illustrate deprivation at lower-layer super output area level within each area. Each map also displays the number of lower-layer super output areas each area has in each decile of deprivation.
- Alternative Interactive Mapping Tool
- Alternative Interactive Dashboard
London Poverty Profile
“Official data from over 100 indicators, revealing patterns in poverty and inequality.”
End Child Poverty
“The End Child Poverty coalition was set up in 2003 to leverage the work of a wide range of groups all of whom shared the objective of eradicating child poverty in the UK.
The coalition has worked to inform the public about the causes and effects of child poverty; forge commitment between, and across, the public, private and voluntary sectors to end child poverty; and to promote the case for ending child poverty with Government”.
Social Mobility Index by Constituency (SMIC)
“The SMIC provides local level estimates for Westminster Parliamentary constituencies in England. It is based on the indicators and methodology used in the social mobility index… published by the Social Mobility Commission. SMIC provides constituency level comparisons and rankings of 14 variables representing four life stages from early years to adulthood. This index addresses the question:
‘How do the chances of disadvantaged children doing well later in life vary between constituencies?’”
Health & Social Care
Public Health England Profiles (Fingertips)
“…a rich source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes that has been designed to support JSNA and commissioning to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities. With these profiles you can:
- Browse indicators at different geographical levels
- Benchmark against the regional or England average
- Export data to use locally”
- Try the Public Health Dashboard and see how the local authority compares against others.
- The National General Practice Profiles allow you to view indicators for individual GPs or Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
Local Health
“provides quality assured health information at small area level. As well as fiver pre-set geographical levels, you can combine areas to create your own geographies, and view the information and reports for these *bespoke* areas”
Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Compare
“…updated estimates…for 359 diseases and injuries and 84 risk factors from 1990 to 2017…maps and treemaps, arrow diagrams, and many other charts to compare causes and risks…and explore patterns and trends by…age, and sex…at the subnational level…Compare expected and observed trends. Watch how disease patterns have changed over time…”
Constituency Data: how healthy is your area?
“Here you can browse constituency and neighbourhood estimates for the prevalence of seven conditions: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. These estimates are based on…analysis of 2017/18 data from England’s GP practices published by NHS Digital.”
ONS Health Index Interactive Tool
“…explore how health changed in each local authority area across England between 2015 and 2019.”
NHS Digital
“…data and information from across the health and social care system in England.”
- General Practice Data Hub: “…a collection of interactive dashboards covering General Practices in England.” Reports include:
- Dentistry
- Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities
- GP Practice Registered Patients
- GP Practice Appointments
- Cervical Screening
- Dementia
- Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF): “Disease prevalence and care quality achievement rates.”
- Adult Social Care Analytical Hub: is a series of interactive reports, guidance and online publications created from adult social care data. Reports include:
- Safeguarding Adults Collection (SAC)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Activity and Finance
- Guardianship
- Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF)
- National Minimum Data Set for Social Care (NMDS-SC)
- Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS)
- Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE)
- Mental Health Data Hub: “…a collection of interactive dashboards and useful links covering mental health data in England.”
Small Area Mental Health Index (SAMHI)
“…a composite annual measure of population mental health for each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) in England. The SAMHI combines data on mental health from multiple sources (NHS-Mental health-related hospital attendances, Prescribing data – Antidepressants, QOF – depression, and DWP – Incapacity benefit and Employment support allowance for mental illness) into a single index.”
London Mental Health Dashboard
“…makes available London’s key mental health data in an easy to use format. Developed by the NHS Benchmarking Network on behalf of the Healthy London Partnership, this work is supported by the London Mental Health Transformation Board and commissioners and providers of mental health care across London.”
NHS RightCare Intelligence Products
- CCG Data Packs
- Atlases: “…In many localities across England, the Atlas of Variation series has been used as a stimulus to start a search for unwarranted variation…an interactive version of the atlases which enables organisations to interrogate the data at a local level. The tool allows users to view maps, charts, time series data and associated statistics…”
National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS)
- ViewIt: Filter “drug and alcohol treatment statistics” by “local authority, sex, age band (18-29, 30-49, 50+) and problematic substance group (“opiates”, “non-opiates only”, “alcohol only” and “non-opiates and alcohol”).”
- Monthly Figures:
Cancer e-Atlas
“…provides a way to view cancer incidence and mortality statistics for the UK, the UK constituencies and smaller localities. It provides the public, health care professionals, commissioners and health service managers with basic cancer information for the main types of cancer in males, females and persons.”
CancerData Dashboard
“…co-produced by NHS England and Public Health England, is intended as a tool to help clinical leaders, commissioners and providers to quickly and easily identify priority areas for improvement in their cancer services”
“Every month, the NHS in England publishes anonymised data about the drugs prescribed by GPs. But the raw data files are large and unwieldy, with more than 700 million rows. We’re making it easier for GPs, managers and everyone to explore…”
The Environment and Health Atlas for England and Wales
“The atlas provides interactive maps of geographical variations for a range of health conditions and environmental agents at a neighbourhood (small-area) scale in England and Wales.
These maps have been developed as a resource for the public, researchers and anyone working in public health and policy to better understand the geographic distribution of environmental agents and health conditions in England and Wales…”
Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) (Registration Required)
“…links national data sets clinical analysis, public health, primary care and demographic data with information on healthcare estates performance and facilities location. The application also includes a fully integrated Geographical Information System mapping tool and supports travel time analysis.”
Projecting Older People Population Information (POPPI) (Registration Required)
“Originally developed for the Department of Health, this system provides population data by age band, gender, ethnic group, and tenure, for English local authorities.”
Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information (PANSI) (Registration Required)
“Originally developed for the Department of Health, this system provides population data by age band, gender, ethnic group, and tenure, for English local authorities.”
Sport England Data Tools
“From Active Lives to market segmentation, we’ve got a number of tools to help you understand who’s getting active across England, and how, why and where.”
- Active Lives Survey: The “Active Lives Survey measures sport and physical activity across England”. You can explore the survey using the query builder to select the data you are interested in analysing (e.g. activities, locations, people).
- Market Segmentation Tool: “We’ve developed 19 sporting segments to help you understand the nation’s attitudes to sport, their motivations and barriers. You can use the tool to view data down to postcode level.”
Health and Care Statistics Landscape for England
“…provides links to all key official health and social care statistics in a central place. The landscape is intended to help all users find relevant statistics and associated information on specific health topics and cross-cutting themes.”
Crime & Community Safety
Met Police: Stats and Data Dashboards
“…see what your local police force is doing to combat crime but also to be able to identify the different types. And, by being able to see crime stats mapped out, you can be better prepared to protect yourself.”
“You can download street-level crime, outcome, and stop and search data in clear and simple CSV format…”
- Crime Map: “Explore and compare crime and outcomes of crime in your neighbourhood.”
- Compare Your Area: “See how your force is performing and how its performance compares to other areas.”
Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
Crime Data
- Crime Dashboard: “…focusing on local volume crimes, which account for around 60% of all recorded crime in London, this dashboard allows the user to see whether local priority crimes have gone up or down and crime trends over time at the city, Borough and ward level.”
- Weapon-enabled Crime Dashboard – “…this dashboard enables the user to focus on trends and levels of different types of weapon-enabled crimes, such as gun and knife offences – at both Borough and ward level. The dashboard also shows the latest available data on public perceptions of weapon-enabled crime…”
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Dashboard – “…the dashboard monitors the level of recorded offences throughout the Metropolitan Police Service Boroughs. The dashboard also monitors data on victimisation, perpetrators/offenders identified and the overall perception of how well the MPS responds to violence against women and girls….”
- Hate Crime Dashboard – “…this tool monitors the level of Hate Crime offending throughout the Metropolitan Police Service Boroughs. The dashboard also includes data on victimisation, perpetrators/offenders identified and the overall public perception and victim satisfaction…”
Confidence & Satisfaction
- Public Voice Dashboard – “…focuses on public perceptions and victim satisfaction with the Metropolitan Police Service. The Dashboard allows the user to track performance over time, look at data on the key drivers of satisfaction and understand victim satisfaction and perceptions by different demographic groups.”
- Neighbourhood Perception and Crime Comparator – “…allows the user to examine public perceptions of policing across London’s 108 Policing Neighbourhoods.”
Delivering Our Priorities – “…a new dashboard to show progress in delivering the Police and Crime Plan.”
SafeStats (Registration Required)
“…a service created and managed by public safety professionals in the Greater London Authority, which gives secure access to a wide range of safety data from agencies linked to policing, fire, ambulance, hospitals and transport.”
TfL London Collision Map
“Discover where road traffic collisions have happened in London since 2005; then filter by year, road user, collision severity and age group. The map shows traffic collisions that resulted in personal injury and were reported to the police.”
London Boroughs Healthy Streets Scorecard
The Healthy Streets Scorecard reports on indicators to track progress towards the Mayor’s ‘healthy streets’ targets. Indicators include:
- Mode of travel
- Active travel
- Road casualties
- Cars per household
- 20mph speed limit roads
Economy & Employment
NOMIS – Labour Market Profiles
“…data from our key datasets on population, employment, unemployment, qualifications, earnings, benefit claimants and businesses.”
Stat-Xplore (Register for Full Functionality)
“Stat-Xplore provides a guided way to explore DWP benefit statistics, currently holding data relating to 16 different benefits/programmes…
Using Stat-Xplore you can:
- Create customised tabulations.
- View results in interactive charts.
- Share outputs via social networking tools or download into common file formats.”
DfE Local Skills Dashboard Recently Added!
To support local skills planning, the dashboard covers topics such as employment, qualifications, and education outcomes across England. Data is available to view and download for various geographies, including local authority (LA).
Companies House
- Company Data Product: “monthly snapshot of information for live companies on the public register…includes…company type and registered office address, the nature of business, company status, such as ‘live’ or ‘dissolved’…”
- Accounts Data Product: “contains the individual data files (instance documents) of company accounts filed electronically at Companies House…”
Access via the Companies House API
Britain’s High Streets
The Ordnance Survey (OS) are “working with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to improve our understanding of Britain’s high streets.”
Energy Performance of Buildings (Registration Required)
“Access to Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates data for buildings in England and Wales. Searchable, browsable and downloadable individually or in bulk…”
Greenspace Information for Greater London (GIGL)
“…the capital’s environmental records centre – we mobilise, curate and share data that underpin our knowledge of London’s natural environment.”
- Borough Summary Statistics on Environmental Data
- Species Atlases
- Habitat Suitability Maps
- Interactive Map: “Discover London with iGiGL; the online data portal of the capital’s environmental records centre. Investigate dynamic maps of our green city and explore London’s parks, nature reserves, gardens and other open spaces.” Explore themes, including:
- Wildlife Sites and Open Spaces
- Rivers and Waterbodies
- Wildlife Crime
“…provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. It is presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools…”
National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas
“…a collaborative project that aggregates biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it available and usable online. It is the UK’s largest collection of freely available biodiversity data.”
Map of Life (MOL)
“…endeavours to provide ‘best-possible’ species range information and species lists for any geographic area…data include expert species range maps, species occurrence points, ecoregions, and protected areas from providers like IUCN, WWF, GBIF…”
Forestry Commission Map Browser
“…allows you to view data layers published by the Forestry Commission and to see how they interact with areas of land you have an interest in…The Land Information Search (LIS) is a search tool within the browser that allows you to search for land designations or features, such as National Nature Reserves, and grant schemes or felling permissions in an identified location.”
Global Forest Watch
“…an interactive online platform that offers a variety of data and tools to help you monitor forests. Whether you’re looking for general facts or specialized information about fires, climate, or commodities…”
Breathe London Map
“…shows real-time data, giving Londoners continuously updated information on the air pollution they’re breathing as they move around the city. By clicking on any single pod, you can view current NO₂ levels at that location, as well as historical data and the overall average.”
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
- UK Emissions Interactive Map: “…allows you to explore emissions data from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2016.”
- CO2 Interactive Map: “…shows CO2 totals by local authority from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2016.”
UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map
“…allows you to explore ambient air quality concentration data from Defra’s national Pollution Climate Mapping modelling.”
Smelly Maps
“…reveals the olfactory footprint of London”
Chatty Maps
“capture both unpleasant and pleasant sounds…and, in so doing, we are able to map which areas are chaotic, monotonous, calm, and exciting.”
Urban Mobility Index
“How well are we connected within the city? Do we have an intelligent transport system that makes movement between districts easy and efficient for all? Do we have a congestion solution? The way a city is connected affects the way that we live.”
TFL Network Demand
This dashboard uses data from “Oyster and Contactless Payment Card taps to provide an overall picture of how customers are travelling across…tube and bus networks”.
DfT Road Traffic Statistics
“Summary and street-level traffic data for road-links on the motorway, ‘A’ road and minor road network in Great Britain.
Use this website to find information about the road traffic statistics collected over the last 18 years, across 34,416 manual count points.”
London Traffic Counts Map
Using a “dataset from the Department of Transport…focused on just the data for 8am to 9am, to examine the height of the morning rush hour… 15 years worth of data is included…You can choose up to three modes of transport at once… The size of each circle is proportional to the flow.”
Office of Rail and Road – Passenger Rail Usage
“Annual estimates of the total numbers of people entering, exiting and changing at each station in Great Britain.”
Tube Heartbeat
“…visualises one of Transport for London’s most interesting and detailed open datasets…This has data on the approximate weekday volume of passengers between each pair of stations on the network, and entering/exiting the stations, at 15-minute intervals. Mapping this, as Tube Heartbeat does, shows a distinctive pulse, or heartbeat, as commuters surge in and out.”
Children & Young People
CHLDRN: Childhood Local Data on Risks and Needs
Child Welfare Inequalities Project (CWIP) App
Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT)
“The local authority interactive tool (LAIT) presents information in interactive tables and charts with the local authority’s rank and position in England.
It includes data on:
- children looked after by local authorities
- child protection
- special educational needs and disability (SEND)
- pupil attainment
- children’s health
- post-16 circumstances
- judgements from Ofsted”
Intelligent London
“The interactive tool for analysing data on the education and skills of young Londoners.
- Local Overview: View key indicators for your local authority in a downloadable PDF.
- Borough Insight: Produce interactive local authority analysis in maps, charts and exportable tables, choosing from a wide range of indicators.
- Learning Landscape: Explore a map of schools and colleges in London to help understand local provision options.
- Provider Performance: Create your own comparisons of the context and outcomes of providers in your local authority.”
London Schools Atlas
“…an innovative interactive online map providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places.”
Find and Compare Schools in England
“Search for primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges near you, and check their performance.
You can view and download:
- exam and test results
- Ofsted reports
- financial information”
“…gives teachers, the media, schools and children’s centres easy access to the most recent inspection grades and reports.”
Ofsted Data View
- View regional performance over time
- Explore national, regional and local data
- Compare local authority areas
Characteristics of Children in Need
“Information on:
- children in need of social services
- children referred to social services
- assessments undertaken and primary need at first assessment
- section 47 enquiries (a local authority carries out one of these if they suspect a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm) and initial child protection conferences
- children who were the subject of a child protection plan”
Children Looked After
“Information on looked-after children at both national and local authority levels…”
Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics (School Census)
“…provides data from the annual school census data return, which is mandatory for schools to complete.
The main tables provide breakdowns of pupil data at national and local authority level. The tables includes pupil characteristics, such as:
- pupils that receive free school meals (FSM)
- pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)”
Youth Justice Statistics
“Annual statistics concentrate on the flow of young people (aged 10-17) through the Youth Justice System in England and Wales.”
Proven Reoffending Statistics
“…provides key statistics relating to the reoffending of offenders who were released from custody, received a non-custodial conviction at court, or received a caution.”
Housing & Homelessness
Statutory Homelessness: data dashboard
“Provides information on statutory homelessness assessments for local authorities across England.”
Homelessness performance dashboard
“Provides a high level summary of homelessness figures for each local authority in England. It shows performance against a handful of key measures, allowing comparisons between authorities.”
Rough Sleeping Management information dashboard
“Summarises information about rough sleeping provided by local areas.”