Public Health England published the 2015 Health Profiles on 2nd June. Health Profiles provide summary health information to support members, officers and community partners to lead on health improvement.

Click the links to view more information, download the Richmond profile (pdf), or view the interactive profile online.

What does this mean for Richmond?

  • Over 80% of Richmond residents are less deprived than the national average.
    • However, there is still a gap in life expectancy between the least and most deprived areas of the borough: 5.2 years for men and 4.0 years for women.
  • Premature death rates have been decreasing over the last decade in Richmond, as well as in England overall.
  • The percentage of hospital admissions that were emergencies was significantly higher than the national average for “white” and “other” ethnic groups.
  • On a range of 32 health-related indicators, Richmond is similar to or better than the England average on all except one:
    • At 3.4 per 1,000, the rate of homelessness acceptances* is higher than the national average (but is lower than the London average).
  • However, comparing Richmond to London:
    • Richmond has the highest incidence rate of malignant melanoma – a disease which is associated with affluence. Between 2009-11 and 2010-12, the rate increased from 18.0 to 19.5 per 100,000.
    • The rate of hospital admissions for self-harm in all ages is 6th highest and significantly higher than average. There were 236 admissions in 2013/14, up from 216 in 2012/13.

* Households that are accepted as being owed a duty by their local authority under homelessness legislation as a result of being eligible for assistance, unintentionally homeless and in priority need.